Why Should You Become A Certified ISO Management System Professional?

Support for stakeholders' demands requires a professional who serves at a higher level in the organization.
To make sure you're meeting stakeholders' needs, applying the standards found here will help...


Increase company profitability.

Increase your value to your company and your marketability.

Elevate your company presence by adding value to your management systems operations.

Here's a video to explain more!


ALL MSP Courses are
On-Demand and FREE

Each course contains an instructional video, workbook, and quizzes to accompany the curriculum.

Watch the course videos and complete the coursework

IMSI offers 6 free courses.

Browse the course list.


You'll meet like-minded professionals who will become a source of information and support on your journey.

FREE white paper: Bridging the Gap Between Management and Strategy

IMSI whitepaper

The Growing Need for Management System Professionals

Quality and safety leadership is changing with trends towards stakeholder capitalism and new demands from The International Organization for Standardization (ISO). ISO standards are now prioritizing management with an emphasis on “management systems,” expanded “stakeholder” constituencies, and a communization of elements (i.e. Annex SL structure). Today’s challenges require a more formal, standards-based management systems approach to a variety of organizational processes, such as risk management, automation, artificial intelligence, internationalization, innovation, supply chain insecurity, profitability, stakeholder expansion, and information security. There’s a growing need for a professional who serves at a higher level in the organization as a “direct report” to top management. This person serves as a bridge between the direct management of quality, safety, environmental, information security, supply chain and other functions, and the strategic functioning of the enterprise.

The free courses IMIS offers help  professionals fill this need. These courses are designed to elevate the skill level, value, and expertise of the quality/safety manager. While completing these free courses, you’ll become a certified quality expert, learning quality management skills in core areas like 9001:2015 standard alignment, ISO auditing (ISO 19011), risk management (ISO 31000), asset management (ISO 55001), sustainability (ISO 9004), customer satisfaction (ISO 10004), and Business Continuity (SO 22301:2019) that can be applied across a variety of standards and in multiple industries.

Courses for Your Management System Professional Journey...

Take six courses in order, and your achievements will show competence in these specific areas. There is a project required for each course if you want to earn the MSP designation.

ISO has changed. Don't get left behind...

As you work your way through the IMSI courses, you’ll be building skills both from mastering the course content of the ISO Standards and from doing a project for each Standard. You’ll have access to the Advisors during your project as well as other participants through the IMSI Forum.

After you do the self study, you can join our group of professionals and get teamed up with someone like yourself to work on the project(s) required for each of the 6 MSP courses.

You’ll be working with non-competitors learning from them and helping them as well. You’ll make connections that could last a lifetime! We’ll be there with you along the way…

Solve Your Biggest Problems While You Learn

Most training courses are abstract. As part of our training experience, you'll solve 'real world' problems of your own. You'll be able to access the knowledge of peers in your situation and help each other. You will be able to deliver the solutions that Management is looking for.

At the same time, you'll achieve a new, more powerful Professional Certification that will increase your value to your organization by filling a role that will be critical to reduce liability, lower risk and ensure your company meets new global social-financial accountability demands. The ISO Standards courses in our curriculum were chosen to help you build your personal skill set. By doing a project for each Standard, you'll increase the effectiveness of your Management System. These projects will give you the opportunity to interact with all levels of decision makers in your organization. This will increase the value of your Management System and increase your value as well.

Jim Moran, MA Ed. Founder

Jim Moran, MA Ed., Founder IMSI, Co-Founder, Simplify ISO Inc., and President of The Learning Alliance Inc has been serving clients like you since 1992. We will help you get certified and stay certified.

Jim has been teaching business professionals since 1977. He has implemented ISO Standards since 1992 with Fortune 500 companies, small to medium sized businesses and the Federal Governments of Canada and Africa. 

He has designed and delivered Lead Auditor courses for QMI (now SAI Global), SGS and BSI, He developed and delivered the Assessor Training Program for Medical Lab assessors who do medical lab accreditation assessment for IQMH – the Institute for Quality Management in Healthcare, Centre for Accreditation.  Jim has implemented 40+ management systems since 1992 including Integrated Management Systems.

Jim served on PC 280 to create ISO 20700:2017 Guidelines for management consultancy services, a standard published for use as a guideline for people or organizations for the assessment of management consulting services.