MSP Course #5 – ISO 56002:2014 Innovation Management



Without a structured approach to ‘innovation’ and organization is wandering in the desert hoping for a miracle. With the guidance in ISO 56002 your organization can develop a repeatable process for creating innovation. Without it, disorganized activities that look ‘innovative’ can lead to frustration and ineffective use of resources. Opportunities are lost and we fall further behind. But with an ‘innovation framework’ risk of failure is reduced and your organization can make some real sustainable progress.

METHODOLGY After you take the online course, if your organization would benefit from having a customized course, we can develop one for you.

It could be structured like this: First week of instruction: Monday – Thursday – Four online sessions of 3 hours each day, 12 hours total. We use the IMSI 80/20 Model: 20% Instructor lecturing, and 80% exercises. ZOOM lets us create break-out rooms so 2 or 3 people can work together on exercises. Then a three week Break to do the project. Students will be working together in the ‘Forum’ to share ideas and complete the project as a team or helping each other. Participants can access the Instructor with questions and/or talk to each other.Project will be specific to each organization and will be designed to improve the effectiveness of their management system, no matter what kind of system it is.


Certificates of Attendance are presented after the course and Certificate of Competence after completion of a successful project.


This is how we’ll get there:

  1. Terms and definitions [Clause 3]
  2. Context of the organization [Clause 4]
    • Understanding the organization and its context [4.1]
    • Understanding the needs and expectations of Interested Parties [4.2]
    • Determining the scope of the innovation management system [4.3]
    • Establishing the innovation management system
  3. Leadership [Clause 5]
    • Leadership and commitment [5.1]
    • Innovation policy [5.2]
    • Organizational roles, responsibilities and authorities [5.3]
  4. Planning [Clause 6]
    • Actions to address opportunities and risks [6.1]
    • Innovation objectives and action plans to achieve them [6.2]
    • Organizational structures [6.3]
    • Innovation portfolios
  5. Support [Clause 7]
    • Resources [7.1]
    • Competence [7.2]
    • Awareness [7.3]
    • Communication [7.4]
    • Documented information [7.5]
    • Tools and methods [7.6]
    • Strategic intelligence management [7.7]
    • Intellectual property management [7.8]
  6. Operation [Clause 8]
    • Operation planning and control [8.1]
    • Innovation initiatives [8.2]
    • Innovation processes [8.3]
  7. Performance evaluation [Clause 9]
    • Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation [9.1]
    • Internal audit [9.2]
    • Management review [9.3]
  8. Improvement [Clause 10]
    • Non-conformity and corrective action [10.1
    • Preventive action [10.2]
    • Continual improvement [10.3]

Guidance for the project required for the Certified Management System Professional Designation:

  • Determine how the terms and definitions apply in their organization [Clause 3]
  • Identify the organization’s context and interested parties [4.1, 4.2]
  • Create Leadership awareness of their requirements to demonstrate commitment to the innovation management system [5.1]
  • Document an Innovation Policy [5.2]
  • Create a current organizational chart [5.3]
  • Establish a method address risks sand opportunities [6.1]
  • Determine innovation objectives and create action plans to meet them [6.2]
  • Identify organizational structures and related portfolios [6.3, 6.4]
  • Assess the capability of the current support for the management system [7.1]
  • Evaluate current competence [7.2], awareness [7.3], communication [7.4] and documentation methods [7.5]
  • Create tools and methods for innovation [7.6]
  • Assess current capabilities to identify and manage strategic intelligence [7.7]
  • Assess current capabilities to identify and manage intellectual property [7.8]
  • Follow the workflow and identify area that are candidates for innovation activities [8.1, 8.2]
  • Develop concepts and solutions for innovation opportunities [8.3]
  • Develop a plan for measuring the effectiveness of innovation activitied [9.1]
  • Assess the organization’s process for conducting Internal Audits [9.2] and Management Review [9.3] and close any gaps
  • Determine whether the Corrective [10.1] and Preventive [10.2] action activities are adequate and close any gaps (Continual Improvement [10.3])

This is a possible result of the Project. Your organization should be able to harness the power of Innovation with a ‘systems approach‘ See the work done by John Seddon, founder of Vanguard Consutling

  • The organization will be able to apply the terms and definitions of ISO 56002
  • Context and interested parties (and their requirements) will have been identified
  • Leadership will be aware of their requirements to demonstrate commitment and the organizational structure will be formalized
  • Innovation planning and innovation targets will be completed, related activities established and assigned; innovation portfolios will have been created
  • Resource assessment will be completed
  • Tools and methods needed will have been identified – some progress on their development will be evident
  • Strategic intelligence and intellectual property will have been identified as they relate to the innovation direction.

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