MSP Course #1 – ISO 9004:2018 – Sustainable Success

This approach gives an organization a framework for improvement and building resilience to achieve sustained success. The course provides a self-assessment tool to review the extent to which your organization has adopted the concepts in this document.


After you take the online course, if your organization would benefit from having a customized course, we can develop one for you.

It could be structured like this: First week of instruction: Monday – Thursday – Four online sessions of 3 hours each day, 12 hours total. We use the IMSI 80/20 Model: 20% Instructor lecturing, and 80% exercises. ZOOM lets us create break-out rooms so 2 or 3 people can work together on exercises. Then a three week Break to do the project. Students will be working together in the ‘Forum’ to share ideas and complete the project as a team or helping each other. Participants can access the Instructor with questions and/or talk to each other.Project will be specific to each organization and will be designed to improve the effectiveness of their management system, no matter what kind of system it is.


Certificates of Achievement may be purchased after the training course and Certificate of Competence after completion and review of an organization-specific project.


In order to create sustained success, we will use ISO 9004: 2018 to develop a program for sustained success:

  1. Terms and definitions [Clause 3]
  2. Quality of an organization and sustained success – Clause 4]
    • Quality of an organization [4.1]
    • Managing for the sustained success of an organization [4.2]
    • Considering the needs and expectations of Interested Parties [4.2.2]
  3. Context of an organization [Clause 5]
    • Relevant interested parties [5.2]
    • External and internal issues [5.3]
  4. Identity of an organization [Clause 6]
    • Mission, vision, values and culture [6.2]
  5. Leadership [Clause 7]
    • Top Management’s Leadership role relevant to sustained success [7.1.1, 7.1.2]
    • Policy and stragetgy [7.2]
    • Objectives [7.3]
    • Communication [7.4]
  6. Process Management  [Clause 8]
    • Determination of processes [8.2]
    • Responsibility and authority for processes [8.3]
    • Managing processes [8.4]
  7. Resource Management [Clause 9]
    • People [9.2]
    • Organizational knowledge [9.3]
    • Technology [9.4]
    • Infrastructure and Work Environment [9.5]
    • Externally Provided Resources [9.6]
    • Natural Resources [9.7]
  8. Analysis and Evaluation of Organizational Performance [Clause 10]
    • Performance indicators [10.2]
    • Performance analysis [10.3]
    • Performance evaluation [10.4]
    • Internal audit [10.5]
    • Self assessment [10.6]
    • Reviews [10.7]
  9. Improvement, Learning and Innovation [Clause 11]
    • Improvement [11.2]
    • Learning [11.3]
    • Innovation [11.4]

Application Work at participants’ sites

  • Determine how the terms and definitions apply in their organization [Clause 3 and ISO 9000:2015]
  • Determine the ‘Quality of Our Organization’ [4.1]
  • Create the Framework for Managing for the sustained success of the organization [4.2]
  • Identify the needs and expectations of Interested parties [4.2.2] (ISO 9001 already has ‘Interested parties’ identified)
  • Determine the context of the organization [5.1] (ISO 9001 already has ‘Context’ identified in clause 4.1)
  • Identify relevant interested parties [5.2]
  • Define External and Internal conditions [5.3.1] (Also addressed in ISO 9001)
  • Determine the identity of the organization [6.1]
  • Determine Mission, vision, values and culture [6.2]
  • Establish Leadership roles and ways to show commitment [7.1.1, 7.1.2]
  • Set Policy and Strategy [7.2]
  • Determine objectives based on policies and strategy [7.3]
  • Identify and select methods to communicate objectives [7.4]
  • Establish processes to deliver value to customers [8.1, 8.2]
  • Assure that the organization chart is accurate [8.3]
  • Ensure that the processes are being managed effectively and efficiently [8.4]
  • Determine the necessary resources to meet identified (and other) customer needs and expectations [9.1]
  • Evaluate the appropriateness of the organization’s ‘people’ as a resource [9.2]
  • Assess the suitability of the Organizational Knowledge [9.3]
  • Determine methods for assessing current technology [9.4]
  • Evaluate the suitability of current Infrastructure and Work Environment [9.5]
  • Validate the performance of Suppliers [9.6]
  • Report performance related to natural resources and the environment [9.7]
  • Establish a systematic approach to analyzing and evaluating performance [10.1]
  • Examine the effectiveness of improvement, learning and innovation [11.1 – 11.4]


  • The organization will be able to apply the terms and definitions of ISO 9004
  • Context and interested parties (and their requirements) will have been identified
  • The framework for measuring performance effectiveness will have been established
  • The measurement and analysis program will have been planned, designed, developed and implemented to assess the overall health of the organization
  • The data will have been gathered and analyzed
  • The whole organizational approach to sustaining success will have been created

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