Be SAVI with Accelerated Learning!

The ‘Accelerated Learning'(AL) approach goes back to the early 80s. I’ve been building the principles into courses since 2005. It’s a great way to keep participants engaged and create an environment where learning takes place.

One of the foundations of AL is SAVI:

stands for Somatic learningor learning by moving and doing. Somatic learning involves getting active from time to time, for example, while building a model of a process or procedure, doing active learning exercises (simulations, learning games), or creating large pictograms or peripherals.

A is Auditory, which is learning by talking and hearing. Auditory learning is getting the learners to translate their experience into sound by talking about what they are learning. Auditory learners like to read out loud, talk while solving problems, and review learning experiences.

V is for Visual and is learning by observing and picturing. Visual learners learn best when they can see real-world examples, icons, pictures, and various kinds of images while they are learning. Sometimes visual learners do even better when they create idea maps and diagrams out of what they are learning.

stands for Intellectual, or learning by problem solving and reflecting. Intellectual learners like to engage in activities such as solving problems, analyzing experiences, doing strategic planning, generating creative ideas, accessing and distilling information, and creating mental models.

This is from The Accelerated Learning Handbook, Dave Meier, McGraw-Hill, 2000. The book is chocked full of great ideas to make training fulfilling for both the instructor and the participants!

I have been sticking pretty close to my own ’80/20′ rule: 80% exercises and 20% lecturing. I like to give people credit for having a brain!

Know Quality, Know Profit…No Quality, No Profit

We have an easy-to-use training tracking tool built into our Cloud-based Management System platform. If you’d like to see if it can help improve how you manage your training activities, schedule a demo. We’d be happy to spend 10 or 15 minutes with you to see if it’s a fit…

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