People are NOT our most valuable asset…Simplify Tip #4

“People are are most valuable asset” You’ve heard this a thousand times, maybe more. It’s simply not true. People’s involvement is our most valuable asset. If we don’t tap this vast resource in our organizations, we are missing out on infinite opportunities to improve the effectiveness of our management system (read: make more money or for the Public Service: stay on budget).

Just having people in our organization doesn’t guarantee their involvement. In order to get people contributing, we need to find ways to acknowledge their contributions and give them credit for having a brain. There are no finer experts in any organization than the people who are on the ground meeting requirements for customers – internal and external. Not only that, Top Management must demonstrate that they are involving people in 3 of the 10 ‘shall’ requirements in in clause 5.1.1:

  • Communicate the importance of effective quality management (5.1.1f)
  • Ensure people are contributing to the effectiveness of the management system (5.1.1 h)
  • Enable other management roles to demonstrate ‘Leadership’ (5.1.1j)

These results are not easy to achieve. Nothing worthwhile ever is!

Know Quality, Know Profit…No Quality, No Profit

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