Why Management Training Doesn’t Work…and what to do about it…

We all give training to new managers. It seems weak at best, and might even make things worse in some cases. Disengaged employees as a result of poor management may be costing your company as much as 34% of your wage costs in lost productivity. This figure comes from an article posted by Katy Tynan on the Training Journal website in January of 2018. It’s the result of a report in her article and shows us why effective management training is so important.

The article cites a ’70/20/10′ model put forward by The Center For Creative Leadership’. It looks like this:

10% – Training – but make it interactive, relevant and useful
20% – Peer coaching and experiential learning from their own context and culture
70% – On-the-job training and mentoring. No ‘feet to the fire’ that typically ends in failure and disengagment of both the new manager and those reporting to him or her.

This approach will most likely result in managers that start paying a return on your investment much sooner!

Know Quality, Know Profit…No Quality, No Profit

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