Corrective Actions…WIIFM?

Not everyone LOVES doing corrective actions, and that’s an understatement! So why bother? Here are a few good reasons to carry out corrective actions: Corrective actions are one of the building blocks to system improvement. System improvement is required in 11 places in ISO 9001:2015

  1. 4.4.1 – Context, QMS requirements: continually improve a quality management system
  2. 4.4.1 h) …improve the processes and the QMS
  3. 5.1.1 h) Leadership, Management has to promote ‘improvement’
  4. 5.2.1 d) Quality Policy needs to include a commitment to Continual Improvement of the system
  5. 5.3 Someone has to be given the responsibility for reporting opportunities for system improvement (OFIs)
  6. 6.1.1 d) Risk and Opportunity activities show that we manage risk to achieve improvement
  7. 7.1.1 rResources need to be provided for the improvement of the QMS
  8. 9.3.2 f) – Management Review has to include a review of OFIs
  9. 9.3.3 a) – Outputs from management review need to include recommendations for OFIs
  10. 10.1 – In the Improvement requirements, we see the need to select OFIs to improve the system
  11. 10.3 ‘Improvement’ includes a requirement to Continually improve the effectiveness of the QMS


By the effective use of Corrective Actions, your organization will easily meet all of these requirements and contribute to a robust management system that adds resilience to your organization. On the financial side, effective Corrective Actions will add to the bottom line, or help you stay within your budget in the Public Service.

By preventing a non-conformance from recurring, here’s how you can improve the financial picture in your organization: If you have a $1000 mistake and operate at a 2% net profit, you have to increase revenue by $50,000 in order to earn back that $1000: $50,000 x 2% = $1000 Stop recurrence of unwanted results and profits will be better! Check out the video for some ideas on how to make things better:

Know Quality, Know Profits…No Quality, No Profits

If you’d like to see how we’ve designed our platform to help manage non-conformances, schedule a demo and we’ll see if it can help you enhance system improvement and add to the bottom line.

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